Monday, September 17, 2007

Leave Britney Alone!

Wow! Can you imagine how this guy gets through everyday when his whole life revolves around Britney Spears?? Of anyone to be obsessed with, Britney might be the worst. And the sad part is, he is completely serious! He thinks this "threatening" message to Britney critics will really shield the pop-star from harm or hateful criticism. I'm not going to lie, I laughed histerically when I watched this for the first time. But as I started thinking more about it, I became very disturbed. This "product of the media" is a perfect representation of the extreme impact the media can have on society and individuals. This poor kid is so obsessed with Britney that in another video, he announces that if anything happens to Britney, he will find the nearest building and jump! Crazy?... Disturbing?... I think so! As if it isn't ridiculous enough that this kid has gotten so much attention with his bizarre ranting, he is now getting his own reality show! I don't have a clue what it will be about, but I can only imagine that it will be just as crazy as this video!

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