I am big believer in the idea that you have family all around you. Family is not strictly biological in my opinion. This is a picture of my wonderful God-Parents and me at SMU Family Weekend. My Dad told me a couple of weeks in advance that he was not going to be able to come into town and I was devastated. Not only did I want him to meet all of my friends and their parents, I wanted everyone to meet him! He is such a huge part of me and has made me the person I am today and I really wanted my friends to see that. But just as I thought it would be just my brother's and I, my Godmother called. Her words,"You know we're your people and we are here when you need us." Not only was I not expecting that, I hadn't really thought of it. After careful consideration as to whether or not that would hurt my Dad's feelings, I decided to invite them. It turned out to be the best decision! We had an absolute blast and everyone loved meeting them. My Godmother and my Mom were best friends and my Godmother has always reminded me of the way my Mother would expect me to act, present myself, treat others etc. All of the little things Mom's remind you from time-to-time. She loved getting to meet all of my friends and see all of the things we do during the day and at night. My Godfather had a great time too, but I don't think it was as sentimental for him. I mean, he is a guy. But for my Godmother, she honored to be "standing-in" on behalf of my Mom and I know my Mom was looking down smiling, so happy that she was there to share that special and fun weekend with me! It is so important to surround yourself with people who love you and who bring out the best in you. You need people to fall back on sometimes and this past weekend really made me realize how important it is to have people like that in your life.
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