Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One You Won't Forget!

If you didn't laugh when you watched this commercial you should try and find a new sense of humor. This commercial makes me laugh every single time I watch it, and I've probably seen it 50 times. It may seem inappropriate to some, which is probably why it was pulled off of television not long after it aired. But personal opinions aside, the commercial is successful. It leaves an impression on everyone who watches it and it's not an easy commercial to forget. When someone says, "Have you seen that funny commercial with the little kid who says penis?"...the first thing that comes to mind is, "Oh yeah, the BlueCross BlueShield one!" The point is, I remember it and the company associated with it. And isn't that what we as advertisers are striving to do? Create commercials, print ads, billboards etc that make an impact on consumers and viewers? I wonder if BlueCross BlueShield would see positive results if they put this commercial back on the air.

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