Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Do Public Restrooms Bother You Too?
Finally, someone points out all of the things that bother me about public restrooms. Why do they call it a restroom? Why is everything wet? Why is the door always hanging by one hinge?! Dane Cook performs his entertaining interpretation of what happens in the "restroom."

This print ad was produced by TBWA/Paris for Amnesty International. The tag line in the lower left corner reads: '300,000 Child Soldiers Dream of Simply Being Children.' I get chills everytime I read that. The children in the photo are playing a game with the remains, or bones, left behind by other child soldiers. Children should never have to put their lives on the line and assume the role of a soldier. They are children! Let them be children! This ad does a beautiful job of capturing concept with minimal text. The message is clear without the text, actually, but it definately adds that extra chill-factor. This is a perfect example of how to manifest such a horrible, angering fact of reality into a socially accepting yet alarming way. It calls attention to the matter and impacts reader's before they have a chance to turn the page. Once again, TBWA is noted for their impressive work!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Venezuela Says "NO" to Chavez!

Hugo Chavez experienced his first ever electoral defeat today. Chavez proposed a change to the Venezuelan Constitution that would allow him, if elected, to remain in power indefinately. Voters rejected the constitutional reform by 51% to 49%. Chavez admits, "I understand and accept that the proposal I made was quite profound and intense." That's an understatement if you ask me. Hugo Chavez, who is a close alli and friend to Fidel Castro, would be unstoppable if he had been elected. A total dictatorship would reside over Venezuela and while he claims to be a "man of the people," I hardly believe that to be true. Chavez was definately humbled by his defeat and advised the citizens of Venezuela to be calm and stop the violence in the streets. I was suprised to see how close the vote was; a 2% difference is a very close race. I can't imagine having enough faith in one person to run my country until his, or her, life was over. Things change over time. People change for that matter. A country needs someone who is in touch with the changes taking place in society and someone who has a fresh outlook and approach for handling them. Hugo Chavez and Venezuela have gone hand-in-hand for year. I think it's about time Venezuela caught a break. Luckily, this defeat will prevent Chavez from running for re-election in 2012!
Our Little Family!
There is an old saying that says, "You didn't pick your family, but you love them anyway." Well this year, I am adding something to that littIe saying. I have the family that I "didn't pick", so to speak, and I love them more than words can say. But I have recently discovered a new meaning for family; Friends! My two roommates and I have become so close just over the past semester. We were all friends last year, but living together has obviously strengthened our friendship. I feel like we are the modern, all-girl version of Three's Company; we laugh together, cook together, cry together, get mad at each other over stupid stuff, and get on each other's nerves from time to time. But at the end of the day, we are family. We share a home and have already made so many wonderful memories together...just the three of us! I feel like its a part of growing up. You have your family that you have known your entire life who will always be your base; they taught you the morals, values, and beliefs that have helped shape the person you have become. Then you have your "new family," the one's you choose to surround yourself with because you see some glimmer of yourself in them. You share common interests, you trust each other, and you can count on them to keep you grounded. And as time passes and you grow older, you will form a family of your own that you create. You will marry your life partner and start a family together, one in which you will always be the "base." I find it really neat and fascinating that we are able to find and form multiple families in one lifetime. Thus far, I only have 2 families, but I am so grateful for both of them! And I look foward to creating another family somewhere down the road. But for right now, I am focusing on appreciating and cherishing the family I have, especially this new family that is getting stronger everyday!
"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year..."

There is something magical that comes along with Christmas. It starts when you are a little kid and suprisingly, doesn't go away as you get older. Sure you figure out that Santa Clause isn't real, and that Rudolph and the 7 reindeer don't land on your roof- top on Christmas Eve. Yet even so, Christmas still feels magical. Maybe it's the lights that make houses shine like the North Star. Or the Christmas Tree covered in ornaments from years past. Or the wonderful carols that follow you everywhere you go, brightening your spirit and giving you hope. Maybe it is the church service on Christmas Eve when everyone sings "Silent Night" while holding candles, celebrating the birth of Jesus. And you certainly can't have Christmas without the bitter cold wind that "nips at your nose" while you keep warm with hot apple cider and hot chocolate! All of these traditions make Christmas the most-anticipated time of year. The Christmas Spirit is something no one can ignore, with the exception of the Grinch, and spreads cheer with each heart it infects. The undeniable innocence that the spirit carries may just be the most infectous symptom. Any way you look at it, Christmas is the "Most wonderful time of the year!"
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Risky Flip!
This guy who attempts to flip over the street on skiis happens to be someone I know very well. He's my friend! He tried this last year, obviously surrounded by a bunch of his guy friends, whose laughs you hear immediately following his crash! I still laugh everytime I watch it, only because he didn't get hurt, (he didn't land on his head if that's what you were wondering). But he is really lucky. I just thought I would share one of the dare-devilish tricks that has yet to scare him!
Pepper-Spray Pageant Scandal

Miss Puerto Rico Universe, Ingrid Marie Riviera, claims she was sabotaged by a pepper-spray attacker during the November 23 competition. Riviera supposedly broke out in hives and suffered swelling during the competition and had to ice down her face and body in between appearances. However, it seems Riviera may have been calling "wolf." Police have tested the beauty queen's clothing and were unable to find traces of capsicum, the active ingredient in pepper-spray. Wait I'm sorry....is this a joke? Or a movie? Because I am pretty sure I saw the in Ms. Congeniality! Either way, it seems pageant sabotager's have taken it to a new level. The police are now focusing on whether or not someone lied to detectives at any point in the investigation, which is a felony. Can you imagine if Miss Puerto Rico Universe was ordered behind bars for lying about being a pepper-spray victim? I'm sorry if I sound insensitive I just find the whole situation pretty amusing.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
All I Ever Needed to Know, I Learned Under a Snapple Cap!
- Beavers used to be as big as bears.
- Oysters can change genders back and forth.
- Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
- Squids can have eyeballs the size of volleyballs.
- Goldfish can only concentrate for 3 seconds.
- The starfish is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out.
- When giraffes are born they fall 6 feet.
- Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts sea water to fresh water.
- Camels have 3 eye lids.
- The blue whale's heart is the size of a small car.
- Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons.
- The pupil's in goat's eyes are rectangular.
- All porcupines float in water.
- Flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp.
- The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1.
- Children grow faster in the Spring.
- Chewing gum while peeling onions will prevent you from crying.
- Termites eat through wood 2 times faster when listening to Rock Music!
- Frogs can't swallow with their eyes open.
- Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.
- American's, on average, eat 18 acres of pizza a day.
- You share your birthday with 9 million others in the world.
- Oysters can change genders back and forth.
- Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
- Squids can have eyeballs the size of volleyballs.
- Goldfish can only concentrate for 3 seconds.
- The starfish is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out.
- When giraffes are born they fall 6 feet.
- Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts sea water to fresh water.
- Camels have 3 eye lids.
- The blue whale's heart is the size of a small car.
- Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons.
- The pupil's in goat's eyes are rectangular.
- All porcupines float in water.
- Flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp.
- The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1.
- Children grow faster in the Spring.
- Chewing gum while peeling onions will prevent you from crying.
- Termites eat through wood 2 times faster when listening to Rock Music!
- Frogs can't swallow with their eyes open.
- Mosquitoes have 47 teeth.
- American's, on average, eat 18 acres of pizza a day.
- You share your birthday with 9 million others in the world.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Spice Up Your Life!

They're Back!! The world-famous, girl-power group has comeback together after a 10-year hiatus. The Spice Girls were an absolute hit in the 90's, breaking records all over the world. They had girls everywhere singing along to their songs and dressing up in 5-inch platform shoes, something no 9 year old would ever dream of on their own. I know because I was one of them. I was obsessed! My friends and I knew every word to every song and would frequently pretend we were the Spice Girls any chance we got. The first concert I ever went to was to see the Spice Girls! And I was even more enamored after that. They are one of the most successful girl groups to date and I suspect their comback tour may break records again. By being picky on the cities they visit, they have a better chance of selling out venues and attracting a much larger audience than if they went on a 50-city tour. Their movie, Spice World, which might be one of the dumbest movies of all time, was played and re-wound many times in my house! I would love to see the girl's back in action just to see if they still have it! But judging by their phenomenal figures, they definately look like they're back in shape. Roberto Cavalli designed all of their costumes for the tour so I can only imagine how wonderful those are, a big step up from the giant platforms and pig-tails they paraded around in. I wonder if they will develop the same teeny-bopper following they had in the 90's or if the grown up teeny-boppers will be the ones screaming like school-girls at their concerts. I guess we will have to wait to see!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
This ad frustrates me and confuses me every single time I see it. Dolce & Gabbana is advertising their new line of watches, which is clear given all of the jewelry close-ups. And I understand that sex sells...especially in jewelry advertisements. What I don't undertand is why the last shot of the commercial focuses in on 2 guys and 2 girls making out. I have no problem with homosexuality and I believe in gay rights, but for some reason I don't think that is the message Dolce & Gabbana is attempting to convey to the viewers. Essentially, the person is kissing a mirror image of himself. But why? I have tried to come up with an explanation for myself, and maybe I just don't see it. But I don't see how that last shot makes any sense for a watch campaign. I like the fact that it's fast paced and and of course is full of beautiful people and is a somewhat different approach for a line of watches, but I am still lost when it comes to the last scene. Someone please explain to me the underlying meaning of this advertisement, but I am completely oblivious to it!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Feral Child
Crazy huh? I had to watch the video a few times before I could completely wrap my mind around it. While feral children are much more common in India and not the United States, it is still a fascinating video about something most people are unaware of. A perfect example, like the video says, of nature vs nurture. Who knew that people could literally act like dogs! I find it pretty disturbing, but I just had to share it.
An Incentive to Quit

This is an advertisement I drew for a group project. We had to write a creative brief for Nicorette Gum and illustrate an advertisement that answered our brief. We decided to incorporate a snow man because after all, it is the holiday season. Also because studies show that one's desire to smoke severely increases over the holidays because of the stress, food, drinking, and mourning for some that comes along with it. We were encouraging the consumer to "Bud Out before you Burn Out!" Kick it now before the holidays get here so you don't have to worry about succumbing to your desires. I had a great time doing the project and now I know exactly how much stress comes with trying to produce a visually pleasing advertisement for the masses!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
It's Alive Inside
I love this commercial! It suprised me to find it was for Guinness Draft Beer because it is such an innovative approach compared to the majority of beer commercials we see. The idea behind it is clearly expressed even without the text at the end. To think about beer in that way, like a complicated combination of instruments that when played together, make beautiful music is really cool. My only complaint is that they ended the commercial with the stereotypical "bar scene" which I think takes away from the creative slot. But overall, I am really impressed with this ad.
Friday, November 16, 2007
6-Year Old Rapping Sensation
If you have been to a Dallas Maverick's game this season, you already know who little Bentley Green is. He is a 6-year old from Dallas who writes and performs his own rap songs. This is one that he wrote for the Maverick's and performs during various public appearances. Bentley has appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show on which he performed a song written especially for Ellen. Even if you don't believe Bentley writes his own lyrics, his performance will fully entertain you!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wedgie-Proof Underwear; A Cry for Help?
What an idea? I have to give props to Justin and Jared, the two brother's who invented the wedgie-proof underwear. While their invention is really impressive and well-made, I worry that there may be a bigger problem in school's across our country. Are bullies still such an issue that kids are being forced to protect themselves by inventing tear-away underwear? Can we not regulate our school grounds more efficiently to protect the students? Being a girl, I never dealt with such issues, or bullies for that matter, but I hate to think children are being antagonized so much that they need more protection that teachers are unable to offer. It has already been established that "tag" is no longer an appropriate recess game because of the potential emotional damage that can be caused from being "it." If tag, a game that has been around since who knows when, is of such concern, why can't someone do something about the bullies plaging our schools? I worry that there is a much bigger issue disguised by the invention of these creative brother's.
Monday, November 12, 2007
My Best Friend

I have been so fortunate in my life to be blessed with such a wonderful family and amazing friends. Family and friends mean everything to me and I can't imagine my life without each and every one of them. But there is one extra-special person who I could not live without...my brother Newton. He is my rock, my shield, my shoulder to cry on, the hand that pulls me up when I'm down, the one to tell me when I'm wrong, and the one who always tells me how proud he is of me. We have been through everything together. Things most siblings aren't faced with until they have families of their own. Since the age of 12, when we lost our mom, he has been my guiding post. I have asked him questions about everything from boys and relationships to religion and politics. And somehow, he always has advice for me. He may not always have an answer, but he always has words of wisdom that lead me to the answer I set out to find. We are 8 years apart and most people find it funny that we are so close given our age gap. But I think that is part of the reason we are so close. We never faught growing up and we hardly ever argue today. Our relationship is completely built on love, trust, and the understanding that we will always be there for each other. No matter what time of day, where we are, how old we are, or how much trouble we are in, or I am in! I feel truly blessed to have someone so special and amazing in my life, and even more blessed that we have more in common than 2 friends possibly could. My brother is and always will be my best friend!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Friend Nobody Likes- Dane Cook
Ok so maybe this is a little harsh, but you have to admit, it's hilarious!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A Stereotype or A Play on Reality?
Most people have seen this video, but I still find it hilarious! And the more I watch it, the more I realize that I know people who actually act like that. Obviously they don't rap about it, but they talk about "new money" and "old money" and things of that sort. SMU is known for being a classy, very preppy university that is attended by student's of fortunate backgrounds. Mainly because of how expensive tuition is, but also because of the way some students represent the school. I am not trying to point fingers or say that I am completely innocent, but I have to point out the obvious. If you walk down the boulevard during a tailgate at SMU, you will find yourself completely surrounded with Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Fendi labels. Anything that can possibly have a visible logo is tarnished with gaudy labels; everything from sunglasses to shoes; head to toe literally. People, or their parent's, pay up to $3,000 for a handbag that cost about $10 to make. The reason: the label. People are craving social acceptance and feel that showing off their material posessions will grant them a "VIP" pass into a group of snobby girls. Even guys at SMU are victims of the "social hammer." I love that they guys at SMU, for the most part, are well-dressed and present themselves in an appropriate manner. But I also find it funny that some of them are just as consumed with labels are the girls are. I am completely generalizing here so it's not at all fair to say this stereotype goes for everyone at SMU, but it sure seems to describe the majority. I love SMU and can't imagine spending the best 4 years of my life anywhere else. But whether I point it out or not, the craving for social acceptance surrounds our campus and steers the lives many student's choose to lead.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin for
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
Look all around, there's nothin but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin but blue skies
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. Not only because it is a great song, but because it holds a special memory in my heart. This song was played at my grandfather's funeral a few years back. It is not your average funeral song....Amazing Grace...but I think it is 100% appropriate. A funeral is a time of celebration. You are celebrating the life of a loved one. All of their adventures, accomplishments, triumphs and sorrows. My grandfather was a wonderful man who definately lived life to the fullest. He and my grandmother partied until his last days. He has friends all over the world who loved and adored him, not to mention a family who centered themselves around him. I will forever love this song and when I'm feeling down or upset, it always seems to brighten my spirits!
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin for
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
Look all around, there's nothin but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin but blue skies
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. Not only because it is a great song, but because it holds a special memory in my heart. This song was played at my grandfather's funeral a few years back. It is not your average funeral song....Amazing Grace...but I think it is 100% appropriate. A funeral is a time of celebration. You are celebrating the life of a loved one. All of their adventures, accomplishments, triumphs and sorrows. My grandfather was a wonderful man who definately lived life to the fullest. He and my grandmother partied until his last days. He has friends all over the world who loved and adored him, not to mention a family who centered themselves around him. I will forever love this song and when I'm feeling down or upset, it always seems to brighten my spirits!
Sunday, October 28, 2007

For spring break my junior year in high school, my Dad and Stepmom took one of my best friends and I to Uruguay for a week! It was so much fun! It was my first trip to South America and I absolutely loved it. Unlike most South American countries, Spanish is the main language in Uruguay and luckily I speak enough Spanish to get by. Uruguay is filled with historic architecture and monuments that date back several centuries. We spent 2 nights in Montevideo, the capital, and 5 nights in Punta del Este, a popular vacation place for natives and foreigners. The beaches are beautiful, although the sand is a bit rough compared to most beaches. The weather is ideal; cool but not cold. And the people are so friendly! In South America, it is a custom to spend 2 hours at each meal. You talk with friends and family, enjoy wine and several courses of amazing food! Typically, people don't eat dinner until 9:30 pm, so if you're a 7:00 pm dinner person, South America may not be your cup of tea. But I found it to be enchanting and inviting and I am looking foward to my next visit!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hot Coffee Below!

Folgers coffee took a shot at guerrilla advertising...and it worked! A print ad of a cup of Folgers coffee was placed over manhole covers all around New York City. My favorite part is that holes were poked so that steam could come from under the streets, which created the illusion that the coffee was hot! I LOVE IT! This was done almost a year ago, but I think this is such a creative method for guerrilla advertising, or advertising in general really.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Boulevard

Herds of SMU students crowded around tents, barbecuing and listening to music, counting down the time until they can stampede into the stadium to cheer on our fellow mustangs. This scenario is also know as game day on the boulevard. It is an SMU tradition, and a great one at that.
I love how SMU is a small enough community so that the entire student body, or a good portion of it, can come together and share America’s oldest pastime, football. I love watching everyone move into the stadium, pumped up and ready to cheer for the mustangs. I love how so many people wear red and blue. Not only is it a great time to spend with friends, but it’s a great time to meet new people. I had been on the boulevard before I came to SMU with my brother, but its so much more fun when you are a student. Hanging out on the boulevard and going to the football games is my favorite experience at SMU so far!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Excessive Training?
If you were a parent and your child came to you expressing her aspirations to swim the English Channel, what would you do to help her? The answer was pretty simple for a Chinese father: bind her hands and feet and make her swim for 3 hours! WHAT??! Huang Li's father promises that he stays close to her side and would never put her life in jeopardy, but that sounds more like torture than training to me. Apparently, Huang Li's swim is the 2nd time she has gathered media attention in recent months. Last summer, 8-year old Huang ran 2,212 miles in 55 days. Her father followed behind her on a motor scooter clocking and recording every mile. I am not a parent and I am not anyone to judge a parent, but this just sounds crazy! Isn't there some other more traditional way of training that does not involve binding hands and feet? I can't imagine my father tying me up and making me swim for hours, even if it was my idea and was supposed to help me achieve my goal. She's 8-years old; Can she really be responsible for her father's training techniques?
My "Other" Family

I am big believer in the idea that you have family all around you. Family is not strictly biological in my opinion. This is a picture of my wonderful God-Parents and me at SMU Family Weekend. My Dad told me a couple of weeks in advance that he was not going to be able to come into town and I was devastated. Not only did I want him to meet all of my friends and their parents, I wanted everyone to meet him! He is such a huge part of me and has made me the person I am today and I really wanted my friends to see that. But just as I thought it would be just my brother's and I, my Godmother called. Her words,"You know we're your people and we are here when you need us." Not only was I not expecting that, I hadn't really thought of it. After careful consideration as to whether or not that would hurt my Dad's feelings, I decided to invite them. It turned out to be the best decision! We had an absolute blast and everyone loved meeting them. My Godmother and my Mom were best friends and my Godmother has always reminded me of the way my Mother would expect me to act, present myself, treat others etc. All of the little things Mom's remind you from time-to-time. She loved getting to meet all of my friends and see all of the things we do during the day and at night. My Godfather had a great time too, but I don't think it was as sentimental for him. I mean, he is a guy. But for my Godmother, she honored to be "standing-in" on behalf of my Mom and I know my Mom was looking down smiling, so happy that she was there to share that special and fun weekend with me! It is so important to surround yourself with people who love you and who bring out the best in you. You need people to fall back on sometimes and this past weekend really made me realize how important it is to have people like that in your life.
Man Down!

Talk about guerrilla advertising! This was placed in different places around Toronto, Canada to promote the Canadian Red Cross. Their message: Know What to Do! If I were to come across this at the mall or at a movie theatre, I would definately be caught off-guard. There is a man lying on the floor, or so you think, and someone needs to help him. Why isn't anyone helping him? Why can't I help him? I'm guessing that Downtown Partners out of Toronto hopes that the people who come in contact with this ad will go through the same series of questions. All ultimately ending up at the same conclusion: learn what to do in case something like this really happens. It is a great way to get into people's heads about the importance of knowing how to save lives. A regular print ad would simply be flipped through, this puts it in your face making it hard to resist...the goal of advertising! I have never seen something like this done before, although I'm sure it has, so it seems very creative to me. The element of suprise is definately there because its presented in an unexpected fashion. Downtown Partners should be proud!
Love Design

This print advertisement was done by Grey Worldwide, Milan, Italy to promote a fundraising event for cancer research. The most famous designers in Italy contribute their work and all of the proceeds will go to the Italian Association of Cancer Research. This ad really caught my eye because its different from most cancer awareness ads we see. At first glance, you see what looks like a person's heart rate; the line goes up and down if the person is alive. You next assume that the ad has something to do with health awareness. Then you focus in on the flat line in the middle; after careful examination, you realize it's a table. The ad incorporates the entire concept of the fundraiser without bold, boring text in the middle. One man responded to the ad by saying, "The heart of the design is beating," and essentially it is.
A Century in Silence
No words, just music. The product: Levi's jeans! The commercial starts from the beginning of Levi's and travels through the decades by unveiling the trend of the time period. Just as you think things are about to get steamy, another layer of clothing emerges, and the sequence continues until the two are left wearing skinny, low-rise jeans, then..well you get the picture. The ad is fun and edgy, but still tasteful. The jeans of "today" are showcased as being much sexier than the overalls shown in the beginning. Without words, the intention of the ad can easily be grasped by viewers. I have not seen this commercial on TV but I would like to.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Level "8.5" Fan= NOT Obsessed!
This poor little man claims he's not an obsessed fan of The Office, but he definately is! He's also hilarious! A total creeper but very entertaining.
Natural Beauty
This is one of my favorite pictures. I took this at our farm of a mare and her filly one afternoon. The filly was just learning how to really "use her legs" as they say. Horses are very clumsy when they're first born because unlike us, they try to stand-up right after they're born. The sun was just beginning to set, as you can see in the background, and it made for a perfect picture. It is such a serene, peaceful moment and even in black-and-white you can see it. It's really nice sometimes to step back from all of the hussle and bussle that we surround ourselves with and appreciate the natural beauty that is all around us. I have been fortunate enough to grow up around horses and they're such mysterious but gentle creatures. I love that this picture captures such a simple moment!
The "Little" Things in Life

This adorable picture was taken at Camp Mystic, the summer camp I have attended since the age of 7. You are only allowed to be a camper until the summer before your senior year. So last summer, I took on the task of being a counselor for 19 9-10 year old girls for 1 month- the girls with the biggest smiles in the front of the picture were my campers. I had two co-counselor's in my cabin, Wiggle Inn, and during the day I was one of many lifeguards for the entire camp. Throughout the term, I was faced with several situations I was not prepared for, but overall, it was the most rewarding experience in my life thus far. Tucking 19 little girls in every night and having them jump on your bed every morning may not sounds like too much fun to some people, and I had my doubts in the beginning. I wondered if I had what it takes to "parent" 19 soon-to-be 5th graders; if they would like me; if I would be fun or cool. As silly as it sounds, I was actually terrified of these little girls. But for everything I gave those little girls, they paid me back in full! I walked away from that month feeling like I had grown so much as a person and as a woman. While they tested my patience, annoyed me, asked me questions I was NOT prepared to answer, and blatantly disobeyed me, they helped me discover myself. I barely got paid and honestly I didn't care. Having this experience the summer before I embarked on the biggest journey of my life, leaving for college, was perfect timing! I will always cherish that month when 19 little girls helped me find the person I am today!
Pure Perfection
This commercial was done by JWT London for Smirnoff Vodka. The obvious message of the campaign is that Smirnoff is the purest vodka on the market. As is the way they present it. What a great idea! Most alcohol campaigns involve a provocative 30-second slot with mood setting background music and finishes with a "be responsible" reminder. This is fresh! I admit, I did have to watch it 2 times to catch everything because I wasn't expecting the commercial to be so innovative. Its catchy without being too complex. The art direction is admirable. Helicopters, plains, scuba divers and statues come flying out of the ocean, beginning with a beer can that is tossed back at a sailor who tries to toss it into the water. The end of the commercial focuses in on the crystal-clear water, a visual metaphor for Smirnoff's tagline. JWT is definately a trend setter in the advertising world!
Fool Me Once, Shame on You- Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
I think anyone who has lived with a roommate, or two, can appreciate this. Besides being HILARIOUS!! its a great idea. Very creative!! Too bad both of my roommates have already seen the video.
Look Out Rush Limbaugh!
This is a TV ad for VoteVets.org responding to Rush Limbaugh's remarks on soldiers speaking out against the war. I am not even going to attempt to take a side, but this is the definition of extreme advertising. I get a little uncomfortable when I watch this ad and I almost feel a little guilty. Maybe its because the war veteran is so bold in his attack on Limbaugh...Maybe its the way he talks about his traumatic brain injury as pictures flash on the screen...Maybe its because I feel guilty for supporting the war? I'm not sure. Nevertheless, the ad got a reaction out of me. Several to be exact. I don't know what category this advertisement falls under, but it's definately in-your-face!
What the Buck?
A funny, sarcastic summary of the lastest celebrity dirt...or at least the good stuff!
Free Speech: Dress Code Violation?
In Waxahachie, TX a Texas High School sophomore named Pete Palmer was sent home for violating the school district's dress code. His violation: wearing a John Edwards for president 2008 t-shirt. The school stands behind their decision by arguing that no t-shirt's are allowed unless they pertain to a school organization, club, or sport or are from a college or university. Under these laws, Palmer was in violation. However, the school board may be dealing with more than the media because Palmer's parents are considering filing a lawsuit against the district, and I can't blame them. Where is the line drawn between violating a student's rights and mainting order in the school environment? American's have earned the right to free speech and while I understand some things should be monitored and restricted at school, I think this crosses the line. Palmer in no way disturbed any of his classmates, drew attention to himself, or acted inappropriately. He wore a presidential campaign t-shirt! I went to a public high school and I am very aware of the dress code policies and I hated most of them as a student, but I did understand where the concern was. But this is ridiculous! At some point, school's are going to be like prisons where everyone wears a solid color jumpsuit so that no one is offended or ridiculed for having opinions or concern for what is going on in our world. Everyone in America is protected under the First Amendment and that is the argument Palmer's father is making in support of his son. It will be interesting to see how the school board maintains their reputation with all of the scrutiny and controversy that is resulting from the media's involvement.
Ignorance is Unacceptable!

This print ad was directed by Hisham Kharma for Alma Magazine. The tag line: "Wow! Ninjas are Awesome! Ignorance is Unacceptable!" What a great example of a symbolic signifier. The swastika is such a powerful symbol that doesn't need any translation. It carries a culturally determined meaning and in this case, is linked to something completely different from itself- a magazine. I love the tag line too because it adds a little humor to such a somber and disturbing symbol without being anti-semetic. When you first look at the ad, you're not really sure what company would consciously choose a swastika to promote their product, but for Alma Magazine it works. They're trying to appeal to prospective buyers and readers of the magazine and after seeing this, I want to check it out.
Short & Sweet
Not only do I like the art direction of this commercial, I really like that it is short, simple, and to the point. It is obvious the camera is waterproof because the picture is taken beneath the water, no explanation is neccessary. It captures an exciting and dangerous moment that appeals to a specified target market: those who enjoy acquatic activities and fall under the "risk-taker" category. Although I'm sure it appeals to the masses as well. This commercial for the Olympus 725 SW Camera was done by Springer & Jacoby, Germany and I think they did a great job!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Blood Donation Hourglass

"You could be saving someone's life this second, and he could be saving yours the next."
This advertisement was done by TBWA Shanghai, China to raise awareness of the urgency of blood donation in China. At the time this ad was run, September 2006, someone in Shanghai needed blood every 90 seconds and there was a severe shortage of people donating. The message of this ad is very powerful, yet easy to interpret. The red sand is representative of blood and the hourglass furthers the metaphor; when one side runs out, the glass will flip and another person will be in need of blood. One day, that person might be you. It appeals to a large target audience and makes an impression on anyone qualified to donate blood. This ad really hit home with me because I am a strong advocate for blood donation. My grandfather had to have a blood transfusion and required 13 pints of blood. It is so important for people to donate while their healthy so that we can help those around us. The intended message is very obvious even without reading any of the text in the lower right corner. This is another great example of how TBWA continues to make influential, creative advertisements all over the world.
One You Won't Forget!
If you didn't laugh when you watched this commercial you should try and find a new sense of humor. This commercial makes me laugh every single time I watch it, and I've probably seen it 50 times. It may seem inappropriate to some, which is probably why it was pulled off of television not long after it aired. But personal opinions aside, the commercial is successful. It leaves an impression on everyone who watches it and it's not an easy commercial to forget. When someone says, "Have you seen that funny commercial with the little kid who says penis?"...the first thing that comes to mind is, "Oh yeah, the BlueCross BlueShield one!" The point is, I remember it and the company associated with it. And isn't that what we as advertisers are striving to do? Create commercials, print ads, billboards etc that make an impact on consumers and viewers? I wonder if BlueCross BlueShield would see positive results if they put this commercial back on the air.
Monday, October 1, 2007
$5 For a Life
On Sunday in Kandahar, Afghanistan, a 15-year old boy was hanged from a tree by Taliban militants for having U.S. dollars in his pocket. Taliban used the boy as an example to warn other villagers that they would face the same punishment if they had U.S. dollars in their posession. They stuffed 5 $1 bills into the mouth of the limp boy hanging from the tree and left him for the village to see. Hearing this story made me physically sick to my stomach. An innocent boy lost his life because of the reputation that has been attached to America. They hate our country so much that they are willing to sacrifice one of their own just to send a message to their village. Their own village; not a large population. I mean, we all know that things happen in Afghanistan that don't happen in many other places and killing is not something they see as a crime, but its really sad that even our money has cost people their lives.
Fairy Dust!
Everyone has a character, whether it be a superhero, cartoon character, or animal, that they dressed up as for Halloween and secretly wish they could be. As you can see, mine is Tinkerbell. I was Tinkerbell 4 years in a row for Halloween and have always had a secret little obsession with her character. This is a drawing I did for a project where I had to design a costume with lights on it. I, of course, opted for Tinkerbell. Something about being able to fly around, sprinkling fairy dust and listening to other people without having to talk has always appealed to the "child" inside me. She is the epitomy of a little girl's alter-ego and sometimes, we have a hard time letting go of that. I wonder sometimes if I had the opportunity to be anyone or anything else for a day, what or who would I choose? There are so many influential and amazing people who have contributed extraordinary ideas and accomplishments to the world that I would love to "shadow" for a day. But if I could actually "be" someone else, Tinkerbell is definately my first choice. Everything I associate with Tinkerbell has a happy or exciting connotation. She isn't really a controversial character and she gets to hang out with Peter Pan! There is an innocent, child-like perception of the world that I associate with Tinkerbell that I think everyone secretly envies and wishes we could revert back to.
My Guardian Angel

Happy; Innocent; Whole. Those are the first three things that come to my mind when I look at this picture of my Mom and I taken when I was about 4 years old. Not only was it a happy time because we were at the beach and it was summer time, but because the picture captures my Mom and I together. At this time, I was completely oblivious to what the future held and didn't have a worry in the world. I had no idea that 8 years later, my Mom would be taken from my family. To most people, it sounds like I'm throwing a "pity-party" for myself. But I'm actually doing the opposite. You can never be too sure of your life or anticipate what tomorrow will bring. There is a good chance that one day you're going to wake up and realize that life isn't always as good as your dreams. But that's life! You can't control everything and you shouldn't try to. The saying really is true; "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." I have an appreciation for life that most people never discover and I am so thankful for that. My Mom was diagnosed with cancer in April of 2000 and passed away in August of 2000, only 4 months after she was diagnosed. While it didn't happen overnight, losing my Mom at such a young age has taught me so many things about life and has made me so much stronger than I ever would have been. Lessons: #1- You never know how much time you have here, with the ones you love; time to make a difference; time to do all the things you want to do before you die. I've learned to make the best of each day & I try to be nice to everyone I meet. #2- You're never alone. Even on those days where you feel like nothing is going right, no one cares if you're upset and there's no one there to listen to you bitch and moan, someone is there. I haven't been able to have a "real conversation" with my mom in 7 years, but I talk to her everyday. As cliche as it sounds, I like to think of her as my guardian angel. She is with me everyday and she's always there to listen to me when I don't want to talk to anyone else. You have to make the best of what you have, even if you hate the circumstances. And just when you think you can't, tell yourself that it could always be worse!
Mind Map
4 different beginnings and no definite ending. A mind map. Something that allows someone to peek inside your head and follow your thoughts, never knowing exactly where they will end up. Paint alone can lead to so many places; Canvas; Van Gogh; Car; or Brush; where it takes you next depends on the person. Many times you will find yourself crossing paths you've already taken or perhaps at an intersection of new, yet similar, places. To see the paths I chose, follow my map. Where does paint take you?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Dirty Sexy Money; Trash or Entertainment?

Dirty Sexy Money is a new show on ABC about a lawyer's attempt to control one of the wealthiest families in New York. Besides being an updated, more mature version of the O.C. with all of the drama, it is a spider web of affairs covered up by sex and lies. Do we really need another television show like this? Can we not be more creative and bring a concept we haven't seen over and over again? As if our materialistic, superficial society isn't twisted enough, we continue to pollute the television shows that are watched by millions with sex, lies and money. I mean, I'm not opposed to edgy entertainment at all, so don't get me wrong, but I just wonder if we even think about the messages we are sending through shows like this. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have an S-Class Mercedes and a 5 million dollar house, and that's ok. We spend too much time focusing our attention on having money and the lavish lifestyle that goes with it, instead of how we can help those around us. My vote= Trash!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Pepsi Takes Over!
I LOVE this commercial! I think its so creative and innovative and a fresh approach to the sometimes repetitive commercials created by soft drink companies. Although Pepsi has always been successful in making their advertisements interesting and catchy, this is by far my favorite. It strays from a celebrity endorser and brings people together all over the world with something as simple as a beach ball! Not only is the beach ball a simple object, it incorporates Pepsi's label so no words are neccessary. This is by far my favorite commercial on tv right now!
Leave Britney Alone!
Wow! Can you imagine how this guy gets through everyday when his whole life revolves around Britney Spears?? Of anyone to be obsessed with, Britney might be the worst. And the sad part is, he is completely serious! He thinks this "threatening" message to Britney critics will really shield the pop-star from harm or hateful criticism. I'm not going to lie, I laughed histerically when I watched this for the first time. But as I started thinking more about it, I became very disturbed. This "product of the media" is a perfect representation of the extreme impact the media can have on society and individuals. This poor kid is so obsessed with Britney that in another video, he announces that if anything happens to Britney, he will find the nearest building and jump! Crazy?... Disturbing?... I think so! As if it isn't ridiculous enough that this kid has gotten so much attention with his bizarre ranting, he is now getting his own reality show! I don't have a clue what it will be about, but I can only imagine that it will be just as crazy as this video!
Monday, August 27, 2007
A True Inspiration
When asked to creatively introduce myself to a new professor and a new group of classmates, I contemplated exactly what approach I would take. After deciding against a lengthy saga of my life experiences, I opted for a more inspirational route with a compelling poem by a true hero who led a life of compassion, admiration and devotion.
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered...Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives...Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies...Be successful anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you...Be honest and frank anyway.
What you could spend years building, someone could destroy overnight...Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous...Be happy anyway.
The good you do today will often be forgotten tomorrow...Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, it may never be enough, but give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
-Mother Theresa
Not only does this poem encourage me to be happy and successful, it inspires me to reach out to those around me for the personal satisfaction and fullfilment, not for the compliments and praise. It motivates me to be a better person so that at the end of the day, I will feel a sense of pride in knowing that I made a contribution to the world around me. At the end of my journey, I can only hope my family and friends will remember me as a person who stood up for what she believed in, helped those in need and lived her life to the fullest each and every day.
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered...Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives...Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies...Be successful anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you...Be honest and frank anyway.
What you could spend years building, someone could destroy overnight...Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous...Be happy anyway.
The good you do today will often be forgotten tomorrow...Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, it may never be enough, but give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
-Mother Theresa
Not only does this poem encourage me to be happy and successful, it inspires me to reach out to those around me for the personal satisfaction and fullfilment, not for the compliments and praise. It motivates me to be a better person so that at the end of the day, I will feel a sense of pride in knowing that I made a contribution to the world around me. At the end of my journey, I can only hope my family and friends will remember me as a person who stood up for what she believed in, helped those in need and lived her life to the fullest each and every day.
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